Quick Study Commentary: 2 Corinthians


The Second Epistle to the Corinthians reveals Paul’s most personal and emotionally charged writing in the New Testament. While filled with comfort and joy over the church’s reception of his first letter, Paul still had to confront those who continued to resist his apostolic authority and smear his personal reputation. This clearly was a difficult letter to write—and because of its intense nature, it can be a challenging one to study.

The Quick Study Commentary: 2 Corinthians offers objective and contextual examination of Paul’s epistle. It also explains Paul’s doctrinal teachings and implications. The Quick Study Commentary series is designed for preachers, teachers, and those who seek a deeper study of this important epistle.

103 pages, 6” x 9” perfect bound.

This work is also available as a PDF. To order, go to the publisher’s site

Availability: In stock

The Second Epistle to the Corinthians reveals Paul’s most personal and emotionally charged writing in the New Testament. While filled with comfort and joy over the church’s reception of his first letter, Paul still had to confront those who continued to resist his apostolic authority and smear his personal reputation. This clearly was a difficult letter to write—and because of its intense nature, it can be a challenging one to study.

The Quick Study Commentary: 2 Corinthians offers objective and contextual examination of Paul’s epistle. It also explains Paul’s doctrinal teachings and implications. The Quick Study Commentary series is designed for preachers, teachers, and those who seek a deeper study of this important epistle.

103 pages, 6” x 9” perfect bound.

This work is also available as a PDF. To order, go to the publisher’s site